about us Orgel_Grau_600_blau_klein

The main target of the Society for the Promotion of the historical Eberhard Friedrich Walcker Organ in Neuhausen auf den Fildern is the restoration of this organ as the last one of its kind

The Society for the Promotion of the historical EF Walcker Organ has been founded on March, 28. 2000

Die Arbeitsgruppe v.l.n.r. A.Stoll, G. Dressler, Chr. Hopp, Kirchenmusiker Markus Grohmann, Dr.H. EiseleThe Society tries to attract public attention by starting charity concerts and other public events. It is an organisation which wants to be open to everybody from all sides helping and supporting the restoration of  our valuable organ. Since March 2000 a lot of people joined our Society already many of which are not even active in the Catholic Church. Some members are not even living in Neuhausen. This clearly underlines the fact, that the restoration of the historical organ made by EF Walcker in 1854 is of supraregional and nationwide interest.

The Society is lead by a working group constisting of the Priest, the manager of the vicarage, the musician of the Sacred Music and one member of  the local Parish Council of St. Peter and Paul in Neuhausen. By special nomination of the local Parish Council the working group can be expanded by external volunteers. The finacial transactions and the collection of donations is in the hands of the vicarage of St. Peter and Paul. The vicarage is under official financial control executed by the financial administration of the diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart. This guarantees that improper use of the donations, given to us, cannot take place

The annual subscription is a minimum of 30,- €. However each member is free in the donation-amont it wants to give. Receipts for your Donation to Charity, needed for your internal revenue service, will be sent to the donors by the vicarage of St. Peter and Paul.

WEB_Burgergarde_Neuhausen_6cmThe major part of the members are private persons. Although we also have organisations and associations as our members like the Bürgergarde Neuhausen/Filder 1805 e.V., or the Gemeinschaft für Heimatgeschichte Neuhausen a.d.F. or the Franziskanische Gemeinschaft in our rows.

End of Januaryl 2004 the Society for the Promotion of the historical EF Walcker Organ (1854) counted 185 members


Please find a foto-galery of our inaugural meeting here.

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