History of the EF Walcker Organ in Neuhausen auf den Fildern
In the mid-19th century the population of Neuhausen auf den Fildern was growing steadily. This growth was the reason why the existing church became too small so that the Church Council together with the Community Council decided to build a new one lasting at least for 3 generations. Therefore in 1850 the conerstone ceremony took place for the new parish church in neoromanesque style St. Peter and Paul in Neuhausen auf den Fildern. It replaced an older gothic church of the 13th century. Today one part of the old church still can be seen in the new one: it is the tabernacle-stone in the apse in St. Peter and Paul dated 1466. The new church is/was so large in dimension that it still is the largest village-church in whole Europe.It’s a popular saying that Neuhausen has a real FILDER-Cathedral although representing a village only. The old organ had only 12 stops, did not work anymore and in parallel it was quit clear that such a small organ would never fit in such a big church. Therefore the decision has been made to look for a new instrument
The choice was made to choose Eberhard Friedrich Walcker being the most famous German organ builder at that time. He did show his capabilities with the big organs in the Frankfurter Paulskirche, St. Petersburg (Russia) and in St. Kilian in Heilbronn. On September 5. 1850 EF Walcker made two layouts; one with 31 and a second with 32 stops.
On March, 26. 1851 a contract has been closed with EF Walcker for an organ with 31 stops for the price of 4.500 Gulden. During the building phase of the organ the decision has been made to add one more stop.
Although the church itselfs could be finished in 1852 already EF Walcker refused to install the new instrument at the same time. Being a real expert in organs he knew too well that the new building contained too much humidity so that swelling of the wooden pipes would occur and would damage the instrument seriously. The organ has the number 126 (Opus 126) and was consecrated two years later in 1854.
The invoice of the organ dated March, 7. , 1854 can be read here (in German)
More about EF Walcker can be found in EF Walcker

Bildnachweis Nr. 65