
Here, you will find a collection of pictures of the pipes and the stops.
By clicking an enlargement can be called behind every picture.

Bildnachweis Nr. 67

Bourdon 16" des 2. Manuals im Originalzustand
Bourdon 16 " of the 2nd manual in the original state.

Subbass 16" und Floete 8"
A look on the flute 8 " in front and at the Subbass 16 " behind.

Kirchenmusiker Markus Grohmann bei der Oboe
Director of the sacred music Markus Grohmann with a pipe with two mouths Covered 8 " of the 2nd manual and the oboe.

Kirchenmusiker Markus Grohmann mit der Siffloete 1 1/3"
The smallest metal pipe from the register: Siffloete 1 1/3"

Schallbecher der Trompete 1. Manual
The resonators of the trumpet in the 1st manual (Weigle, Echterdingen 1922)

Das Pfeifenwerk des 1. Manuals
Look at the pipework of the 1st manual

Trompete 1. Manual
Trumpet 8 " of the 1st manual of the company Weigle, Echterdingen dated 1922.

Gekröpfte Schallberchre der Oboe 1. Manual
The cranked resonators of the oboe in the 2nd manual

Blick auf die Oboe 2. Manual

Look at the oboe in the 2nd manual

Blick auf die Pedalregister
Look at the pedal registers. The tower wall to which the organ directly attaches since 1960 is recognizable in the background.

kleinste Holzpfeife der Floete 4" 2. Manual
The smallest wood pipe of the register Floete 4 " in the 2nd manual.

Blick auf die Apsis durch die Prospektpfeifen
Look the apse of the church through the font display pipes. One recognizes the glass pictures made by W. Geyer dated 1960.